Monday, February 19, 2024

Book Review: The Price You Pay for College, Ron Lieber

As a parent with kids approaching the college years, I recently came across a book recommended in one of national publications. While there's a debate about the value of college education, I advocate for pursuing it.

After reading the book, several key points stood out to me:

FUNDAMENTALS: The book thoroughly discusses the importance of saving for college, the value of a college education, the costs involved, student loans, college screening processes, essential questions to ask, and criteria for evaluating colleges.

FAFSA INSIGHTS: It highlights that the FAFSA formula considers a contribution of 5.65% of taxable assets, including 529 plans, per year.

SPORTS SCHOLARSHIPS: While excelling academically and in sports can increase your child's chances of getting into a good college, only a small percentage of high school athletes receive scholarships. Additionally, the popularity of the sport can affect the availability of scholarships.

GRADES AND SCHOLARSHIP: The book emphasizes that higher grades can lead to more scholarship opportunities.

PATHS TO COMPLETING COLLEGE: A particularly intriguing section offers alternative paths to completing college, such as studying abroad, taking a gap year, attending community college, or enrolling in college programs offered by military branches.

RESEARCH AND COUNSELLING: The book provides a valuable list of sources and publications for researching college admissions data and finding college advisors. It's worth noting that many high schools lack sufficient college advisors, so hiring a knowledgeable college counselor could provide additional options for your child, especially if they're on the borderline of acceptance. The book also shares techniques for making colleges compete for your child's enrollment.

Overall, this book offers comprehensive insights for parents navigating the college admissions process and seeking to maximize their child's opportunities for higher education.

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